Exquisite Music School Has A New Location in Walnut, CA

Ms. Maria showing boys the proper way to hold a guitar

Last week we were invited to try out a family guitar lesson and the experience was quite impressive. The music school has a new location inside an office complex across street from Walnut Elementary School so it was quite close to us. Ms. Maria came with a spectrum of experiences with multiple instruments and it was easy for her to quickly assess the boys at which level to start them off. My older one has been playing piano for over 6 years so note reading is a piece of cake to him. While the younger one has 3+ years of violin practice and his advantage with be playing with a string instrument. Although both of them were new to guitar, Ms. Maria was able to explain all the basics to them in an easy-to-understand matter and a few minutes in the boys had gotten the main cord positions down!

Like most of instruments, it is important for the player to hold a correct posture. Guitar is no exception. Ms. Maria emphasized the importance of properly holding a guitar, with correct wrist positions, to prevent future injuries. During the entire lesson, Ms. Maria was carrying a cheery conversation with the boys, singing along while playing short tones with them, and starting to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with merely 20 minutes into the lesson! It was very surprising to me seeing how much my boys were into the lesson as they had come with vastly different musical background. They were willing to venture out to more difficult tunes and becoming curious about the technicality of guitar playing.

Same as the other location in Hacienda Heights, the Walnut location also offers Guitar and Voice lessons. There are still 4 sessions of Summer Camps left and lessons are divided into several age groups as well as family lesson like the one we tried out. At the end of the lesson my boys were eager to have me book them for a summer camp with Ms. Maria. I consider that a sure sign of how much my boys truly enjoyed their first guitar lesson. And many more to come.

Exquisite Music School
www. exquisitemusic.school
(626) 999-3727
Email: exquisitemusic.school@gmail.com

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